Selection of Computational works

Ignacio Obeso, Maria-Trinidad Herrero, Romain Ligneul, John C.Rothwell, Marjan Jahanshahi. A Causal Role for the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Avoidance of Risky Choices and Making Advantageous Selections. Neuroscience Volume 458, 15 March 2021, Pages 166-179. 2021

Li Y, Météreau E, Butera L, Villeval MC, Dreher JC. Endogenous testosterone is associated with increased striatal response to audience effects during prosocial choices. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2020​ 

Pineda-Pardo J*, Obeso I*, Guida P, Dileone M, Strange BA, Obeso JA, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Static magnetic field stimulation of the supplementary motor area modulates resting-state activity and motor behavior. Nat Comm Biol 2019. 

Girard G*, Obeso I,* Thobois S, Park SA, Vidal T, Favre E, Ulla M, Broussolle E, Krack P, Durif F, Dreher JC. Wait and you shall see: sexual delay discounting in hypersexual Parkinson’s disease. Brain. 2019. Jan 1;142(1):146-162. * Co-first aurthor.

Ligneul R, Obeso I, Ruff C.C., Dreher J.C. Dynamical Representation of Dominance Relationships in the Human Rostromedial Prefrontal Cortex. Current Biology, Volume 26, Issue 23, 5 December 2016, Pages 3107–3115. 3. 

​Obeso I, Wilkinson L, Casabona E, Speekenbrink M, Bringas M.L, Alvarez M, Alvarez L, Pavon N, Rodríguez-Oroz M.C., Macías R, Obeso J.A. and Jahanshahi M. The subthalamic nucleus and inhibitory control: impact of subthalamotomy in Parkinson’s disease. Brain. 2014; May;137(Pt 5):1470-80.